...I must admit that this has been a roller-coaster-ride kind of a day, and there are so many questions left unanswered that seem to burn in my mind. And I guess seeing your first ex and Ym chatting with your second ex all in one day is a crazy thing altogether, an occurence that certainly makes you want to down ten aspirins just to make the throbbing go away. But headache aside, I certainly learned so much, and relived regrets I still have tucked in a corner of my mind. Maybe this life was meant to be miserable for me, no self pity included just a realization altogether. Or a payment for bad karma I've accumulated in my past life/lives...
...I guess God still thinks it's not the right time for a relationship or to resolve unanswered question, as I am bombarded by numerous projects that seem to pop out of nowhere. Maybe it's time to change gears and put Career on the front seat and let Love take the back seat or glove compartment for the meantime, just to help me approach my life more efficiently and in a more orderly manner. Ho hum...

...Work, work, work.... :(
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