Shoko called me at 10:45am, to ask where I was. At the precise moment her voice fell unto my ears, I remembered that I should've been at the PETA theater center at 10am to meet with her regarding her orders. I rushed to TC only to find she left already and was angry at me. I then called her but she never responded. After a while, she texted me saying that the fact that she trusted me with her orders is a sign that she trusts me as a good designer but I have shown her that I wasn't a good designer because of my poor and unprofessional time management.
That text rocked my world, and brought me down from my pedestal. It was the most memorable and worst negative comment about me that I really believed in. And there are very few people I listen to when it comes to their impression and reaction to who I am.
Just a backgrounder:
I reflected as I left the Theater Center. It was the worst breakfast I've ever had in quite a while. I guess the it hurt so much because I knew it was the truth. I apologized to her and told her how I could make it up to her. After a few hours of reflecting on my working style, I decided that a strong move for discipline should be in order.
To become a good artist, one should possess or develop the 3 D's, as we were told in high school...
Discipline.....Discipline....and Discipline..
One missing and it ain't complete.
Discipline involves being on time, being organized, delivering good products and taking care of your customer. These were what I needed to learn and embody, to become a good artist, may it be in dance, teaching, and fashion design.
After a few hours of torture, she texted me saying that we can reschedule our meeting to thursday at Sinag Arts studio. Ang saya ko, para bang sinagot ng langit ang mga dasal ko...
I guess life really gives us second chances, to become better, and rewrite mistakes. It's only up to us to swallow our pride, realize our mistake, formulate a solution or resolution and grab the opportunity by the balls.
Humility, Discipline, and Passion. These are the values I learned today.
I'll share with you some wisdom I got off Jaja's blog, I guess this is the follow up literature on my last entry regarding my search for the meaning of my life thru a fortune cookie..
The Blueprint of Success
"Believe while others are doubting
Plan while others are playing
Study while others are sleeping
Decide while others are delaying
Prepare while others are daydreaming
Begin while others are procastinating
Work while others are wishing
Save while others are wasting
Listen while others are talking
Smile while others are frowning
Commend while others are criticizing
Persist while others are quitting"
At 22, there's so much waiting for me outside the door. I know I'm good, but I guess one should never rest on his laurels...I know I have to be better, as each day passes.

Ho hum.
What a day.
Tell me about yours.
naku Santi..
oo nga, masakit yun. well, i guess we all learn the greatest lessons in life the hard way talaga. with pain, guilt and humiliation...
to help you with your resolution, try to think you are in a more critical profession - let's say, a doctor. Kung late ka, patay na pasyente mo!
tinakot daw ba...
anyway, i really enjoy reading your blog... napakamatalinhaga para sa akin..
"when we fall down, and we can no longer fall further, there's no other way than to get up."
labs u! tc always!
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