the ramblings of a wayward romantic...

These are my personal moments, ideas, thoughts and insanities placed for everyone to see. This blog is my own personal forever, frozen in this digital medium for all eternity, or 'til this site exists...

Friday, August 08, 2008

(insert clever title)...

Came home at about 2am from Jona's project at St.Lukes. Checked my mail. Decided to walk to Cubao x to witness the iloveyoustore event..

Arrived at 3am and was secretly wishing to bump into an online friend there, but I was surprised to realize that I didn't know many people in the crowd. Stood somewhere in the shadows,slightly swaying to the good music. I wanted to dance, and chat and linger. Be part of this beautiful energy pulsating into the early hours of the morning. Ordered one shot of tequila and a glass of sprite, to take the edge off my day...then silently bid the crowd goodbye and walked home.

and for once, in my life, i felt that i didn't belong...

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